Let us start to install beeprt printer driver on Mac now.
Beeprt requires OS X 10.9 or latest.
setp 1 . Please download the Mac driver from this link or click the attachment end of this document.
setp 2 . Double click the download file, if you see a warning shown below.(if you do not see this warning,you can skip these two steps)
please open it by two steps shown below.
When you open download file success, you will see the screen shown below, we highly recommended that you open installation guide pdf file firstly, so you can follow the steps.
Double click "BeeprtPrinter_v1.3.pkg" to begin to install driver.
step 3 . Follow the installation steps until you see " The installation was successful" windows.
step 4 . Open "System Preferences" and click on "Printers and Scanners".
step 5 . Click "+" to add a new printer.
step 6 . Click on "Beeprt BY-426"(or other model of Beeprt) ,and choose "Select Software" in the drop down menu.
step 7 . Input "Beeprt" to search and choose,then click "OK".
step 8 .Click on "Add" to finish.(if you see a warning windows, click "repair" to continue)
step 9 . Now you can print a Sample 4x6 label PDF file to test printer.(You can also open "Sample.pdf" file in download driver file)
you can change setting of printer in "Printer Features" sheet.
Enjoy your printing now!